- 电气绝缘用酚醛玻璃纤维模塑料。
- Phenolic aldehyde fibre glass moulding compounds for electrical insulation .
- 用塑像型粘土打造了车的外形,并用玻璃纤维覆盖整个车身,并打磨,最后涂上白色漆面。
- The shape was created with plasticine , then the body was covered with glass fibre , plastered and painted white .
- 他的园子就是薄薄一层土,底下是废玻璃纤维层,用锄头刨一下,“痒得很,因为它能钻到皮肤下,对蔬菜也不好。”
- His garden is a thin layer of soil over mounds of waste glass fibre that , if disturbed by his hoe , " is really itchy , because it gets under your skin , and is not good for the vegetables " .