- 这可不是开玩笑的。
- This is not a joke .
- 然而宣判则完全不开玩笑。
- But the sentences are no joke .
- 眼疲劳可不是个玩笑。
- Eye strain is no joke .
- 他半开玩笑地透露,他选用的网名叫“知情影客”。
- Half in jest he chose the pseudonym the shadow knows .
- 但如果他是在开玩笑,那么他的话语在那些无法理解的人们中就变得空虚了。
- But if he speaks in jest , his words are idle among men who cannot receive them .
- 一位市场分析师半开玩笑半认真地说:“一个屏蔽youtube的国家,怎么可能成为金融霸主呢?”
- " How can a country that blocks youtube ever be a financial powerhouse ? " Asks one market analyst , only half in jest .