- 六个星期以前,在她在访问完库姆城的法蒂玛圣殿后就做出了加入伊斯兰教的决定。
- She decided to become a muslim six weeks ago after visiting the shrine of fatima al-masumeh in the city of qom .
- fatima说,然后她转过身,朝街的另一头走了。
- Fatima said , and she turned and walked up the street .
- 当他恢复时,他去了法蒂玛.
- When he recovered he went to fatima .
- 但是他一生的挚爱是来自富裕的维也纳家庭的喜爱音乐的女儿--almaschindler。
- But the defining passion of his life was alma schindler , the musical daughter of a well-to-do viennese family .
- 这样的以及更多的精确细节要求会将您引向almaurban婴儿床,它的动感设计比一般的婴儿床更胜一筹。
- Finer details like these and more will lead you to the alma urban cot , which is as dynamic as a cot can get .
- 总体而言,你与母校的各种联系是否对你的事业有所帮助?
- More generally , how important have connections from your alma mater been in helping your career ?