- 有时,这些水藻会使海洋呈红色,不过这还比不上荷马名作中“酒暗海”的颜色,也浅于弗罗里达湾岸、切萨皮克海湾、亚德里亚海、广岛海湾或者新南威尔士入海口等水域的红褐色。
- Sometimes they colour it red , but this is less the wine-dark sea of homeric fame than the red-brown waters of florida 's gulf coast-or chesapeake bay , or the adriatic , or hiroshima bay , or the inlets of new south wales .
- 许多高级俱乐部,炫耀性地装饰着黑木和豪华的坐垫,侍者们系着领结,身着晚礼服的陪酒女们蝴蝶般穿梭在客人中间小口轻抿着价格高得不可思议的酒。
- Many of the cabaret clubs , or kyabakura , are swank establishments of dark wood and plush cushions , where waiters in bow ties and hostesses in evening gowns flit about guests sipping fantastically expensive wine .
- 我最爱的饭后甜点之一是一块有机黑巧克力加一杯上等红酒。
- One of my favorite desserts is a piece of dark organic chocolate , along with a glass of a fine red wine .