- 献金应放进奉献箱里不适合。
- Money should be put in the offertory box .
- 祷告的奉献和一系列远远长於那些在使徒宪法。
- The offertory prayers and the litany are much longer than those in the apostolic constitutions .
- 诗句的奉献团结在中世纪末期,而现在只有群众奉献的安魂曲显示安提丰一诗重复同一个部分。
- The offertory verses were united in the late middle ages , and now only the offertory of the requiem mass shows one verse with a partial repetition of the antiphon .
- 什么是孩子们应当贡献出来的?
- What will be your children 's contribution ?
- 我们各人都有所要作出的贡献。
- We each have a contribution to make .
- 这种翻译服务的贡献可能是最具迷惑性。
- Contribution is perhaps the most beguiling .