- 抱着猪的人是麦克克瑙尔。
- Holding the pig is michael knauer .
- 猪的性高潮可以持续30分钟。
- A pig 's orgasm lasts 30 minutes .
- 在爱荷华州猪第一次分离到猪流感病毒。
- Swine flu is first isolated from a pig in iowa .
- 然而经济学家回想起他们在第一年经济学课程中学到的过去的“猪循环”。
- Economists , however , may recall the old " hog cycle " that they learnt about in their first year of economics .
- 最近,美国众议院专门抽出时间表决取消了环境规划署对大型牲畜、奶制品和生猪等生产环节提供温室气体排放报告的要求。
- Recently , the u.s. house of representatives took time out from fending off the world and exempted large cattle , dairy and hog producing operations from an environmental protection agency requirement for reporting greenhouse gas emissions .
- 然而,但疲软的猪市场,使许多农场主精打细算不给猪使用疫苗,这样就会爆发严重疫情产生巨大损失,所以要说服他们花钱购买新疫苗。
- A soft hog market , however , has many farmers pinching pennies , so it could take severe outbreaks , or ones close to home , to persuade them to spend money on a new vaccine .
- 抱着猪的人是麦克克瑙尔。
- Holding the pig is michael knauer .
- 猪的性高潮可以持续30分钟。
- A pig 's orgasm lasts 30 minutes .
- 在爱荷华州猪第一次分离到猪流感病毒。
- Swine flu is first isolated from a pig in iowa .
- 以前有过猪流感爆发吗?
- Have there been previous swine flu outbreaks ?
- 护士把猪流感疫苗抽进注射器。
- Research nurse drawing swine flu vaccine into syringe .
- 儿童对猪流感有高风险吗?
- Are children at higher risk for swine flu ?