- 犀鸟杯全砂舞狮锦标赛。
- Hornbill cup sarawak lion dance championship .
- 周日的开业典礼上锣鼓喧天,并放了很多鞭炮,有传统的舞狮表演及穿着孔雀羽毛的女子表演。
- The opening on sunday had much fanfare with firecrackers , a traditional lion dance and women dressed in peacock feathers .
- 檀香山的舞狮队,以三只巨狮共舞,为典礼揭开序幕,锣鼓喧天,瞬间就为会场带来热闹的气氛。
- A lion dance team of honolulu inaugurated the event with a group dance of three gigantic lions , deafening drums and gongs immediately brought a warm atmosphere to the venue .