- 那是因为你恶毒且变态吗?
- Is it because you are a vicious sociopath ?
- 建设性的意见和恶毒的指责是完全不同的。
- There is a difference between constructive criticism and vicious criticism .
- 硬说恶毒的言辞和暴力的行为之间有因果关系似乎有点牵强附会。
- The causal relationship between vicious talk and violent action is far less certain .
- 他觉得自己正被迫面对从不曾体会过的残暴痛苦:人们去看电影,生病的老妇人被独自抛下。
- He felt confronted by the most atrocious suffering he had ever known : that of a sick old woman left behind by people going to the movies .
- 我简直不能想象一个人居然因贪心而如此盲目,就好似把毒药卖给一个残暴的人。
- And I could not imagine a human being so blinded by cupidity as to sell poison to such an atrocious creature .
- 在实际应用中,在创作过程中插入收费手段是非常恶劣粗暴的方式。
- In fact , the mark-up generated across the entire creative suite is rather atrocious and unusable .
- 但是伴随着一个残酷的倾向。
- But a brutal streak went with it .
- 2007在警察的残酷攻击下逃过一命。
- 2007 Survives brutal attack by police .
- 先前几局游戏对我来说很残酷。
- The first few games were brutal .
- 这就是大自然开的一个残忍玩笑。
- It is just a cruel joke of nature .
- 然而,他同样也会冷漠和残忍。
- But also he could be cold and cruel .
- 杀死如此美丽的生命真是太残忍了。
- How cruel it was to kill something of such beauty .