- 巨型梭子鱼是怎么欢呼的?
- How would a giant pike cheer ?
- 你认为是派克干的?
- So you think pike did it ?
- 而派克正在梦见垫圈呢!
- And pike was dreaming of washers !
- 卢斯尝试过在选举政治中扮演国王拥立者的角色,却几乎徒劳无功。
- Luce tried , with little success , to play kingmaker in presidential politics .
- 我从书中了解到许多关于印度的知识,而且感觉自己对卢斯也有了相当多的了解。
- I learnt a lot about the country from this book and got the impression that I was learning quite a bit about luce too .
- 有一点鲁斯没有说错,他于1941年发表的著名文章中写道,将迎来“美国世纪”。
- Where luce was not wrong was in his famous essay , published in february 1941 , that this would be " an american century " .
- 上图是稀有的苏门答腊虎。
- The rare sumatran tiger , above .
- 凯尔特虎是一种全然的幻觉?
- Was the celtic tiger all an illusion ?
- 虎妈的教养方式会产生什么样的影响?
- What impact might tiger mothering have ?