- 达成一个糟糕协议完全有可能比没有达成任何协议更糟糕穆加贝继续掌权,而茨万吉拉伊则在伪联合政府中扮演没有实权的合作者角色。
- A bad deal may well be worse than no deal , if it lets mr mugabe stay in power , with mr tsvangirai 's lot as supplicant partners in a government of bogus unity .
- 一个不好的或者令人讨厌的标题是不会吸引很多人来点击阅读的。
- A bad or boring headline will not entice a whole lot of people to click and start reading .
- 我们人类是非常迷信的生物,相信13号的星期五代表厄运,而捡到一分钱则代表将有好运。
- We humans are a superstitious lot , believing that friday the 13th is bad luck and finding a penny is good luck .