- 我们在等梦想成真。
- We wait for a fantasy .
- 这是非常天真的幻想。
- This is a very naive fantasy .
- 这也许是另一个幻想。
- It may be another fantasy .
- 狂想曲成员:如果你是一个无限或狂想曲狂想曲togo的用户,您可以听歌曲在yahoo!
- Rhapsody members : if you are a rhapsody unlimited or rhapsody to go subscriber , you can listen to the tracks on yahoo !
- 登录,点击“由狂想曲”标志foxyplayer,请点击链接登录在下一个网页上,然后返回到yahoo!
- To sign in , click the " powered by rhapsody " logo on the foxyplayer , click the link to sign in on the next page , then return to yahoo !
- 但是,海豚用高音鸣叫填满了大海,而鲸鱼,则用它鲜明强烈的声音组成了一曲佛青色的爵士乐一首真正的蓝色狂想曲迫使着去打破沉默的边缘。
- But dolphins , which fill the oceans with blipping and chirping , and whales , which mew and caw in ultramarine jazz a true rhapsody in blue are hunted to the edge of silence .
- 酒在哪呢小笨?
- Where 's that beer , maggot ?
- 你在这儿干什么?你偷了我的马,可怜虫!
- What are you doing here ? You stole my horse , maggot !
- 你来了你这混蛋!
- There you are , you maggot cocksucker !