- 不论我们可能智能或富裕,或有经验,我们都犯错误.
- Howsoever intelligent we may be , or wealthy , or experienced , we all make mistakes .
- 不管你是个打字时得看着键盘的打字员还是个打字高手,都难免犯错。
- Whether you 're a hunt-and-peck typist or a rachmaninoff of the keyboard , you will make mistakes .
- 我们都是不完美的生物,都会犯错。
- We are amazingly imperfect creatures and we make mistakes .
- 通常一个新任央行行长在变得谨慎之前犯错误是情有可原的,但是这次单一货币的将来是否有救却要看德拉吉是否足够大胆和激进。
- Usually it makes sense for a new central banker to err towards caution , but the single currency 's future will hinge on whether mr draghi is brave enough to be radical .
- 另一方面,我发现安卓在出错时,有一套比iphone更全面、更容易使用的纠错方式。
- On the other hand , I found that , when android did err , it had a more extensive and easier to use manner for correcting those mistakes than the iphone did .
- 他们也可以称作“公司”,但要管理一群目不识丁、凶狠粗暴的员工可绝非易事,打招工广告只会引来警察上门,而对业绩不佳的员工做评估也可能会因为恶语恶言而出错。
- It may be called " the firm " , but managing a poorly educated , violent workforce is a challenge , advertising job vacancies only attracts the law , and appraisals for underperforming staff can err on the brusque side .