- 一辆出租车响起了喇叭。
- A taxi cab honked its horn .
- 女儿在外头,坐在驾驶座上摁着喇叭。
- My daughter was outside in the driver 's seat blowing the horn .
- 在我们更进一步探索之前,马重重的按喇叭叫我们回去。
- Before we could explore further , ma thumped his horn and called us back .
- 他们到了一个角落。
- They come to a corner .
- 成人尿布整齐的叠放在角落里。
- Adult diapers are neatly stacked in a corner .
- 它们的左下角有一个黑色的箭头。
- They have a small black arrow in the lower left corner .
- 然后是2008年的经济崩溃。
- Then comes the crash of 2008 .
- 2008年的崩盘证明这一假说并不成立。
- The crash of 2008 falsified this hypothesis .
- 那架飞机坠毁了,真是件糟糕的事。
- Eg. that plane crash was an awful business .