- 但是北约仅仅采用了隐蔽的地面操作部队和空中支援,对于北约的政策制定者而言首要目标是避免向利比亚派遣大量地面常规部队。
- But the means employed was strictly limited to covert special operations troops on the ground plus air support . A supreme goal for nato policymakers is to avoid the large-scale deployment of general-purpose ground forces in libya .
- 税为某一特定目的征收的费用;税或征税。
- A payment exacted for a special purpose ; an impost or a levy .
- 第90条专业银行以供给中期及长期信用为主要任务者,除主管机关另有规定外,得发行金融债券,其发行应准用第七十二条之一规定。
- Article 90 unless otherwise prescribed by the competent authority , a bank for a special business purpose the principal function of which is to extend medium-term and long-term loans may issue bank debentures in accordance with article72-1of this act .
- 客户还可以通过一个专门的网站进行预订。
- Bookings were also made through a specially created web site .
- 量子计算机系统实现了两种专门用于量子系统的算法。
- The system processed two algorithms written specially for quantum systems .
- 国际间谍博物馆中展示的是一件复制品,是为了收藏在莫斯科专门订制的。
- The museum displays a replica , made specially in moscow for the collection .