- 随后他就填写了支票单。
- Then he wrote the check .
- 我能不能在这兑支票?
- Can I cash a check here ?
- 拿到了我那本书的第一张版税支票!
- Got my first royalty check for my book !
- 海蒂控制不住高兴的心情。
- Heidi could hardly contain herself for joy .
- 欧元区的防火墙能否遏制住这场大火?
- Can the eurozone 's firewall contain the conflagration ?
- 按理说,竞争可以控制费用。
- Competition would supposedly contain costs .
- 其他的后续影响可能很难被确定。
- Other after-effects may be equally hard to pin down .
- “匿名者”和lulzsec成为执法部门的一个难题,部分原因是他们的成员和业务难以确定。
- Anonymous and lulzsec pose a problem for law enforcement partly because their membership and operations are difficult to pin down .
- 我们的战士知道如何牵制敌人。
- Our solders knew how to pin down enemies .
- 你能帮我把这个包裹绑起来吗?
- Will you help me tie up this package ?
- 普丽赛,把那只母牛绑起来
- Prissy come tie up this cow !
- 没有必要绑你的钱很长时间.
- No need to tie up your money for long periods of time .