- 但是那些有毒物质,例如溴化阻燃剂和电路板中、电池和其他组成部分中的铅和腐蚀性酸,以及用来销毁旧电器所用的燃烧方法,对依靠电子废弃物产业而生活的群体造成了严重的环境和健康风险。
- But toxic elements , such as brominated flame retardants and lead in circuit boards , batteries and other components , along with caustic acids and burning methods used to dismantle the old electronics , pose serious environmental and health risks for the communities that subsist on the e-waste industry .
- 由于没有明显的全球领导人,与orem那所位于坎帕拉的研究所有打交道的国家将大多数资金投资到药物上。
- With no clear global lead , countries muddle along . Mr orem 's institute in kampala spends most of its money on drugs .
- 加州大学旧金山校区(ucsf)的神经外科医师、该项研究的第一作者纳林古普塔(nalingupta)说,如果没有髓鞘,大脑中的电脉冲就不能沿着神经纤维完成从神经元到神经元的传输。
- Without myelin , electrical impulses traveling along nerve fibers in the brain can 't travel from neuron to neuron says nalin gupta , lead author of the study and a neurosurgeon at the university of california , san francisco ( ucsf ) .
- 使用在线市场营销作为一个长线的策略。
- Use online marketing as a long haul strategy .
- 渔民捕得满满一网鱼。
- The fishermen had a good haul .
- 漫长而艰难的民主进程。
- The long haul towards democracy .