- 靠左边的照片摄于1912年,图中beraud双手之间有一道亮光,而她的头顶上也有一团物化状态的物质。
- At left is another photo of beraud , this one taken in 1912 , apparently showing a light manifestation between her hands and a materialization on her head .
- 最后对论文的研究内容进行了总结,并对中医的客观化、信息化、标准化进行了展望。
- In the end , the paper summarize the contents of research , and prospect the objectification , informatization and standardization of tcm .
- 只有坚持以马克思的实践唯物主义、克服旧的直观机械的唯物主义,运用感性对象性的实践理论和对象化的方法,从关系中去探讨美,才能对上述五大问题作出科学的解答。
- Only by adhering to marxist practical materialism , overcoming old mechanical materialism , and probing beauty in relationships by applying the methods of the practical theory and objectification of perceptive object , can the above-mentioned five major problems be solved scientifically .
- “美是快感的对象化”是美国哲学家乔治-桑塔耶纳站在美是主观的立场上提出的著名定义。
- " Beauty is the objectification of pleasure " is the famous definition about essence of beauty which was put forward by american philosopher george santayana on the standpoint of beauty is subjective .
- 生成器已完成此量程的具体化事件和订阅视图的生成。
- The generator has completed building materialized event and subscription views for this quantum .
- 此举也引发了人们对通胀的忧虑,通胀迄今尚未成为现实。
- That move also sparked worries about inflation , which so far hasn 't materialized .
- 尽管对手的竞标根本没有兑现,但新加坡方面的努力也付诸东流。
- Although that rival bid never materialized , the singapore effort was effectively dead .