- 我住进了以前住过的同一家旅馆,走马观花地参观了一下那家博物馆,然后吃了牦牛肉通心粉当晚餐。
- I checked into the same place I had stayed previously then quickly had a look at the museum before having penne with yak meat for dinner .
- 他靠牦牛和步行完成长途跋涉,得了寄生虫病,而且饿得发昏,身上披着破碎的羊皮,由于长久在冰冻的地面睡觉而产生的坐骨神经痛使他走路时一瘸一拐,他身上一分钱都没有,而现在,黄金在他面前闪烁。
- He had travelled by yak and on foot ; he was now verminous and starving , in rags of sheepskin , crippled with sciatica from sleeping on frozen ground , and without a rupee to his name . But gold shone ahead of him .
- 我们靠原始牦牛肉和牦牛酥油茶和干餐维持生计。
- We had subsisted on raw yak meat and yak-butter tea and dried meal .
- 顾先生认为,上海住房销售的一半左右都以现金结算。
- Around half of apartment sales in shanghai are done in cash , says mr. gu .
- 谷开来已在上月被判谋杀罪成立,并被判处死刑缓期执行。
- Gu was found guilty of murder and handed a suspended death sentence last month .
- 检方指控谷开来在去年十一月投毒杀害了英国商人尼尔伍德。
- Ms gu is accused of poisoning neil heywood , a british businessman , last november .