- 黑兀鹫居住的笼子。
- The cage with black vultures .
- 它保存在一个笼子里确保东京和你的钱包安全。
- It 's kept in a cage to keep tokyo and your wallet safe .
- 在哈瓦那的古巴国家公园内,一只仓栖息在笼中。
- A barn owl perches in its cage at the cuba 's national zoo in havana .
- 因此这产生了一个向外的量子压力来对抗激光阱的束缚。
- There is therefore an outward quantum pressure forcing against the constraining laser trap .
- 反对人士认为这是个陷阱。
- The opposition senses a trap .
- 对于今天以色列所陷入的这种困境要付最大责任的恰恰是内塔尼亚胡。
- No one bears greater responsibility for the trap israel finds itself in today than mr netanyahu .
- 研究者认为,这种对哀伤的强烈回应也许反应了他们对旁人更大的同情,也能加强社会联系。
- This heightened emotional response to sorrow may reflect a greater compassion for other people and may strengthen social bonds , researchers propose .
- 一旦发生此种情况,管理者是利用团队成员之间形成的社会联系以塑造行为,通过团队进行管理。
- When this occurs , the manager is managing through the team by using the social bonds among members to shape behavior .
- 获取流动性技能--无论是在教室里还是在工作中--并且与你的同事建立紧密的联系。
- Gain transferable expertise - in the classroom or at work - and form close bonds with your peers and colleagues .
- 他可能被判终身监禁。
- He could face life in prison .
- 监狱却还是第一个。
- This is my first prison .
- 如果指控成立,他们将面临长期监禁。
- If convicted , they face long prison terms .