- 氟中毒会导致牙齿变色或表面缺陷。
- Fluorosis can cause tooth discoloration or surface irregularities .
- 那颗牙齿来自一个属planohybodus物种的鲨鱼。
- The tooth belongs to a species called planohybodus .
- 一个有效率的破产程序是红牙红爪资本主义的重要组成部分。
- An efficient bankruptcy process is an essential part of capitalism red in tooth and claw .
- 一位民主党官员表示,虽然讨价还价交易的风口浪尖上,人们可以凝胶迅速。
- A democratic official said that while bargainers were not on the cusp of a deal , one could gel quickly .
- 2011年,费城似乎成为最伟大的城市在体育的风口浪尖上。
- For much of 2011 , philadelphia seemed on the cusp of becoming the greatest city in sports .
- 对目前的趋势加以直接预测会使我们想到国家的失败。
- A straight-line projection of present trends takes us to the cusp of national failure .