- 最近她又被牙膏盒和牙刷所吸引了。
- Lately she is fascinated by the toothpaste recipient and the toothbrushes .
- 选择牙膏时,需要最重要注意的就是含氟量。
- The most important ingredient to look for when choosing toothpaste is fluoride .
- 美国儿童牙科学会指出,吞下含氟牙膏可能会产生问题。
- The american academy of pediatric dentistry notes that swallowing fluoridated toothpaste can cause problems .
- 黑人不单只能制造牙膏,而且能当总统.
- Blacks not only can produce dentifrice but also can be a president .
- 牙膏,或者说洁齿剂,生活中可用到的通常是膏状,胶状,或者是粉状。
- Toothpaste , also known as dentifrice , is available in paste , gel , or powder form .
- 饮用低氟水的儿童无论是否使用含氟牙膏,其氟斑牙发病率间没有差别。
- The prevalence of dental fluorosis of the children drinking low fluorine water , no matter whether using fluoride dentifrice or not , was no difference .