- 道琼斯通讯社看到了上述文件。
- The documents were reviewed by dow jones .
- 苏美尔人的文献证明了这个观点。
- Sumerian documents lend credence to this idea .
- 德纳罗也印刷包括英国护照在内的身份证件。
- De la rue also prints identity documents , including british passports .
- 这样的档案很受欢迎。
- Archives like this are popular .
- 这些档案为今天提供了很多教训。
- Those archives hold important lessons for today .
- 目前档案馆已禁止了劳莱使用该馆的设施。
- The archives has banned lowry from its facilities .
- 这份活计并不安全:大猩猩研究员兼自然资源保护论者迪安佛西就在一次试图阻止偷猎者的活动中惨遭杀害。
- This is not safe work : gorilla researcher and conservationist dian fossey is believed to have been killed while attempting to foil some poachers .
- 这个月早些时候,美国国家大气海洋局空间资源实验室的迪安j塞德尔以及他的同事们在自然在线上发表的报告也指出,温暖带迅速扩散的速度已经超出了模拟气候系统做出的预测。
- Dian j. seidel at the noaa air resources laboratory in silver springs , md. , and colleagues reported earlier this month on nature online that the tropical belt also has expanded faster than climate simulations have predicted .
- 一月二十四日,他们关闭了《冰点周刊》一份以敢于在敏感话题上直言不讳而闻名的出版物。
- On january 24th , they shut down bing dian ( freezing point ) , a publication that has made a name for itself with outspoken pieces on sensitive topics .