- 我生长在人群密集的城市里,没有见过森林里的野生动物,也很少见到长着翅膀飞翔的小鸟,因此对生物一片陌生。
- I 'm growing up in a crowded city . I did not see the wildlife in the forest , also seldom see the birds flying in the sky , therefore I 'm not familiar with the biota .
- 荣昌盛,这个注定要与航空航天事业结下不解之缘的企业,她以自己的追求和努力,正在谱写着航空航天事业一曲扣人心弦的乐章,实现着与蓝天共舞的理想。
- Rongchangsheng , an enterprise that is bound to form an indissoluble relationship with aviation industry , is composing a breathtaking movement for the undertaking of aviation and trying to realize the ideal of flying high in the sky with unrelenting effort and pursuit .
- 表面上,它还得那只在天空中飞翔的鸟,但是,在深处它已经否则原来那只鸟因该,么有它的天空,哪来它的自由?
- Superficially , yes , it is the alike bird who were flying in the sky ; but deep down it is not the alike bird -- since wite is its sky , wite is its freedom ?