- 爱我不是单个日。
- Love me up up not a singe day .
- 一烧灼,二火光,三焦卷,四成灰。
- One singe , two flash , three cringe , four ash .
- 飞得太接近太阳会烧焦翅膀,太阳能电池板领域的投资者肯定清楚这一点。
- Getting too close to the sun can singe your wings , investors in the solar-panel sector are sure to learn .
- 阿迪达斯灼烧8男装足球俱乐部塔凯蒂低。
- Adidas scorch 8 low mens football cleats .
- 使烤焦用热能烤焦或烧灼.
- To scorch or sear with heat .
- 写我是如何设法去把山烧焦爬上墙壁。
- How I managed to scorch hills and climb the wall .