- 剩下的威胁不再是孤立的袭击事件,而是政治骚动的风险。
- The existential threat to iraq no longer comes from isolated attacks , but from the risks of political combustion .
- 这份报告说,政府为控制来自燃烧来源的活性氮排放而所做的努力,已彰显成效。
- The report says government efforts to control emissions of reactive nitrogen from combustion sources have been more successful .
- 另外一部分包括锁定在水分子中的氧气和氢气,帮助铝的燃烧。
- The other includes the oxygen and hydrogen locked within water molecules that help feed the aluminum combustion .
- 而这类棕脂肪能够燃烧多余的卡路里。
- Those brown fat cells burn extra calories .
- 为了取暖,他们烧别人捐赠的柴火。
- For warmth , they burn donated firewood .
- 然而遗憾的是,它还是要烧煤。
- But sorry , it will still burn coal .
- 记录到的彩色物种包括火焰装贝壳。
- Colourful species recorded included flame shells .
- 这个火焰将被分配到土地上的每一个角落。
- Fires fed from this flame would be distributed throughout the land .
- 不论是谁设计了火焰病毒,他们现在都试图掩盖自己的踪迹。
- Whoever designed flame , they are now trying to cover their tracks .
- 萨博爱好者们可能要对着底座上的点火开关哭泣了。
- Saab lovers would be left crying over their floor-mounted ignition switches .
- 内置的转向锁与点火开关不在一起,因此使用起来不那么方便。
- The built-in steering lock is separate from the ignition switch , so less usable .
- 但钥匙还是必不可少的需要用它来打开车门,插入一键启动点火开关。
- But a key is still needed to open the car , and to insert into the push - button ignition .