- 黎明之前的价差总是最黑暗的。
- The spread is always darkest before the dawn .
- 没人想过缅甸民主的曙光会像雷声一样迅猛出现。
- Nobody ever expected myanmar 's democratic dawn to come up quite like thunder .
- 自从商业化互联网初露曙光,技术就让内容黯然失色了。
- Since the dawn of the commercial web , technology has eclipsed content .
- 测量细菌的亮度给测定污染等级提供了一种简单的方式。
- Measuring the brightness of the bacteria thus provides a simple way to determine pollution levels .
- 天文学家知道每种类型的ia超新星的爆炸亮度相差无几。
- Astronomers know that each type ia explosion has about the same brightness .
- 如果月亮有大气,那就可能会检测到亮度的细微差别。
- If the moon had an atmosphere , a slight difference in brightness could be detected .
- 请带好暖衣和太阳镜。
- Pack warm clothing and sunglasses .
- 一阵暖光包裹着身体。
- A warm glow envelopes the body .
- 它有那么多口袋,还那么的暖和。
- It had many pockets and was warm .
- 你真的不喜欢李导演吗?
- Do you really bear a grudge against yi ?
- 慧怡真的是个很好的名字喔。
- Hui yi is really a nice name .
- 你又怎么知道他是一点红呢?
- How do you know he 's yi tien-hung ?