- 为什么一个美丽女孩不期望一个愉快的相识呢?
- But why shouldn 't a pretty girl dream of such a pleasant acquaintance ?
- 他竟信赖一个相识没多久的人,真是愚蠢。
- It was stupid of him to presume on an all too brief acquaintance .
- 下次相识之人说他不喝任何草本饮料时,问问他是否喝咖啡。
- The next time an acquaintance says that he doesn 't take any herbs , ask him whether he drinks coffee .
- 对环境而言,bp是敌还是友?
- Is bp an environmental friend or foe ?
- 在媒体行业工作的人们需要视这些分裂和不确定为友。
- The media folks need to make these disruptions and uncertainties their friend .
- 我最近和我的一个跑友谈到了她刚刚参加的一次半程马拉松赛。
- I was talking to a running friend recently about a half marathon she 'd run .