- 保险丝是用熔点较低的材料制作,电流大了会发热熔断,起到保险作用。
- Fuse is with melting point inferior material is made , electric current became big can calorific fusing , have insurance effect .
- 铝的熔点相对较低,氧化铝可以溶于一种叫做冰晶石的物质,而冰晶石的熔点也不高,所以炼铝需要的热量容易控制。
- But aluminium has a fairly low melting point and its oxide can be dissolved in a substance called cryolite that also has a low melting point , so the amount of heat needed is manageable .
- 影院里的投影仪运作时的温度刚好比其灯丝材料的熔点低50摄氏度,因此使用时间达到50个小时左右时,投影仪的灯泡就需要更换。
- The projection bulbs used in cinemas operate at just 50 c below their filament 's melting point and have to be changed every 50 hours or so .
- 复兴伯明翰的命运将要求大幅转变方向,吉塞拉斯图尔特,一位当地的国会议员说。
- Reviving birmingham 's fortunes will require a sharp change in direction , says gisela stuart , a local mp .
- 在一家报纸的采访中,北爱尔兰的民主联盟国会议员似乎要发动一场互飚调查的战争。
- Interviewed by a newspaper , a democratic unionist mp from northern ireland appeared to launch an inquiries bidding war .
- 为什么不每年更新誓言内容?为什么国会议员每次都是在同一个时刻同一个地方向选民做出解释?
- Why should the pledge not be annually renewed and the mp required to account to constituents on the same occasion ?
- 正在这时,我看见哈姆辟果提冲出人群,跑向海边。
- Just then I saw ham peggotty running through the crowd to the edge of tm water .
- 丰田、通用和大众公司也一样。
- So would toyota ( tm ) general motors ( gm ) and volkswagen .
- 这些误杀对象都是孩子,其中一人尚在废墟中奄奄一息:“医疗小组迅速清理了他口中的泥土碎屑,并进行了心肺复苏术。”
- All of them were children . One of them was still alive in the rubble : " the med tm immediately cleared debris from the mouth and performed cpr . "