- 这些建筑特色全是为了激起人们对宗教的崇敬之感。
- These architectural features were all intended to incite to religious wonder .
- 公司的分析人士认为苹果的转变会在电子行业激起广泛的变化因为很多公司都拥有相同的供应商。
- Corporate analysts say apple 's shifts could incite widespread changes throughout the electronics industry , since a lot of companies use the same suppliers .
- 鉴于失业率仍处于非常高的水平,工作机会流失至“新重商主义”国家可能会激起强烈的政治反应。
- With unemployment remaining very high , job losses to the " new mercantilism " abroad are likely to incite strong political reactions .
- 某些活动会不会使你激动起来呢?
- Do certain activities agitate you ?
- 尽管越南开始时欢迎网络活动的激增,有关部门却表现出了对网络被用来散布批评政府政策言论、煽动民主和其他改革感到担忧。
- While initially welcoming this rush of online activity , vietnam 's authorities have shown their concern about how it can be used to spread criticism of government policies and agitate in favor of democracy and other reforms .
- 民选官员面对公务员工会等强大的选民团体时,往往采取迁就态度这些团体鼓动发放慷慨的福利,并常常向竞选基金提供(或拒绝提供)稳定的现金流。
- Elected officials tend to be accommodating when confronted by powerful constituencies such as the public service unions that agitate for plush benefits and often provide ( or deny ) a steady flow of cash to election campaign funds .