- 那天深夜,哈利像往常一样醉醺醺的回来了。
- That night harry stumbles back home as usual .
- 除上述约束之外,这类企业可照常开展其业务。
- Other than that it can go about business as usual .
- 这些地方性的政府将继续如常运作。
- These subnational governments have continued to operate as usual .
- 通常,一部电影被分成六本。
- As a rule there are six parts in the movie .
- 一般说来,论坛上面的只要牵涉到宗教都会变味,演变成一场有关宗教的口水战。
- As a rule any mention of religion on an online forum degenerates into a religious argument .
- 这滑翔机的规则令你尽量得呆在上风。
- As a rule you want to stay upwind .
- 人们常常收礼时打开礼物。
- Gifts are usually opened when received .
- 市场的兴奋情绪常常表达错了地方。
- The excitement is usually misplaced .
- 骤然上调利率往往是有害的。
- A sudden jump is usually bad .
- 与一切自然主义相对立的是法律实证主义,它大致上由三个理论命题组成:事实命题,因袭命题,分离命题。
- Opposed to all forms of naturalism is legal positivism , which is roughly constituted by three theoretical commitments : the social fact thesis , the conventionality thesis , and the separability thesis .
- 然而在特定的条件下,人们有时会故意打破常规,如用第二人称指说话人,第三人称指受话人等。
- In particular contexts , however , the speaker may somehow violate this conventionality to the extent that second person is employed with reference to the speaker , third person to the addressee , and so forth .
- 狄更斯曾经说过:真正的小孩子是打着粉、穿这小皮靴出门的;可是,比起我们今天栽培起来的那些植根于传统和博学的奇葩来,狄更斯时代的孩子们,不过是稚嫩的花蕾。
- Dickens said real children went out with powder and top-boots ; and yet the children of dickens 's time were simple buds compared with the full-blown miracles of conventionality and erudition we raise nowadays .