- 如果你可以到达金星,它可能看起来会闪闪发光。
- If you could actually land on the venus it might look shining .
- 钻石内的尖硬纤维同时也可以通过激光照射的方法来得以改变和衡量。
- The spins inside the diamond can be both changed and measured by shining laser light into the diamond .
- 阳光照射在她的裙子上,将她的裙子染上了金黄的暗影。
- Sunlight , shining upon her dress , colored her dress a darker shade of gold .
- 我们聚精会神地看着发光的气团变得越来越大。
- We watched the images of the glowing gas blobs become larger .
- 许多发光水母演化了另外一种有些不同的反应。
- Many glowing jellyfish exploit a somewhat different reaction .
- 尝试去捕捉容光焕发的雾蒙蒙的清晨,拍出美丽缥缈的秋日风景。
- Try to capture a glowing misty morning , making for stunning and ethereal fall scenes .
- 最红的说唱歌手都是出色的艺人。
- The most popular rappers are brilliant entertainers .
- 表面上看来,她的童年是出色的。
- On paper , her childhood looked brilliant .
- 而这就是最杰出的科学家和很多科学工作者每天都梦寐以求的。
- This is the dream which has captivated the most brilliant scientists and science staff .
- 他们在纽约的地区业务开发人是daihwanchoi,是lee先生大学时的朋友。
- Their area developer for the new york area is dai hwan choi , a college friend of mr lee .
- 东焕:如何?我的智慧已再次证明了。我在练习方面实在是太强了!
- Dong hwan : well ? My genius is proven again . I 'm too good for practice !
- 根据韩国新闻报道,当上个月开始谣言开始在网上社区散播开来时,崔真实开始变得抑郁,谣言称,崔真实放高利贷而且曾经逼迫演员安在焕自杀。
- According to korean news reports , choi became depressed when rumors started circulating last month in the country 's very active online communities that she was a loan shark and had driven a fellow actor , ahn jae hwan , to kill himself .