- 日本的热心响应也令人钦佩。
- So is japan 's enthusiastic response .
- 嘉宾的演讲热情而激昂。
- Our guest speakers were enthusiastic .
- 王先生现在的旅游热情很高。
- Wang was an enthusiastic tourist .
- 你又是如何重新看待自己童年的热忱呢?
- How do you rediscover the enthusiasm of your childhood ?
- 注意他们脸上的表情,他们的积极性和动力。
- Take note of their face , their enthusiasm and energy levels .
- 简热情地推脱否决了。
- Jane responded with evasive enthusiasm .
- 德国对于政治联盟的热情已大不如前。
- German zeal for political union is much reduced .
- 人们又一次抱着极大的热情开始了重建。
- The zeal to rebuild was again remarkable .
- 如果他的改革热忱是发自内心的,那么他需要更多的时间取得进展。
- If his reformist zeal is genuine , he needs more time to make progress .