- 美国比其他任何地方的铁都多!
- America has more iron ore than anywhere else !
- 催化剂利用碳、铁和钴制成。
- The catalysts use carbon , iron and cobalt .
- 检查铁和叶酸的水平。
- Check iron and folate levels .
- 他们只是要按一个键。
- They just had to press a key .
- 英国新闻界长期以来斗志十足。
- Britain has long had a scrappy press .
- 他说他目前为止还不敢按那个小蓝按钮。
- He has not yet dared press the little blue button .
- 而这类棕脂肪能够燃烧多余的卡路里。
- Those brown fat cells burn extra calories .
- 为了取暖,他们烧别人捐赠的柴火。
- For warmth , they burn donated firewood .
- 然而遗憾的是,它还是要烧煤。
- But sorry , it will still burn coal .
- 我的烫发彻底失败了。
- My perm is a total disaster .
- 我想要剪发和烫发。
- I want haircut and perm .
- 螺旋烫发式看上去象是扭曲的螺丝锥。
- Spiral perm hairstyles look like twisted corkscrews .
- 伯朗什:是怎么一个试验过程?
- Blanch : what type of trial was conducted ?
- 伯朗什:哪,结果如何?
- Blanch : and the results were what ?
- 伯朗什:你是否认为仅仅使用医用羊皮就足以防止褥疮的产生了?
- Blanch : can you rely solely do you think on the sheepskin to prevent bedsores ?