- 另一方面,奥运会一半的安排都是进行宗教仪式:列队游行、唱圣歌、烧香、血淋淋的动物祭祀和穿着怪异的祭司祷念奇怪咒语。
- Half the olympic program , on the other hand , was given over to religious ritual : processions , hymn-singing , incense-burning , gory animal sacrifice and strange incantations by exotically attired priests .
- 大多数人家门口都坐立着财神像,守护它的是一根根燃烧的焚香。
- Figurines depicting the god of wealth sit outside most doors , attended by burning sticks of incense .
- 很多灵性实践者很喜欢将树脂燃烧作为熏香,并发现能给其能量场和内在过程充能。
- Many spiritual aspirants enjoy burning tree resins as incense and find it empowering of their field and inner process as a result .