- 我们决定在山谷中烧烤,所以我们捡来了一些树枝生火。
- We decided to make a barbeque in the valley , so we collected some tree sticks to make a fire .
- 但是他们不能扔石头、玩具车、弓箭之类的东西,就连打火石也不能扔,那是我教他们生火时给他们的。
- But they can 't throw things like rocks , toy cars , arrows or even the flint stones I gave them when I taught them how to make a fire .
- 但声音沙哑、有着质朴地方口音的前工程师谭旭光说,山东重工不只寄望于通过收购贱卖资产来布局全球,还打算跟国际上的同行展开合作与竞争。
- But mr. tan , a former engineer with a gravelly voice and a rustic regional accent , said shandong heavy wasn 't just looking for a fire sale to make its global footprint ; it intends to cooperate and compete with global peers .
- 斯托克是由彼得科茨和他的家人所支持,他们拥有网上赌博公司bet365。
- Stoke are backed by peter coates and his family , who own the online gambling company , bet365 .
- 从牛津经伦敦到斯托克城:一周的工作
- Oxford to stoke via london : a working week that
- 他认为,在斯托克城经营一家有100名员工的工厂,增加了成本的同时,也增加了灵活性。
- Operating a factory emp-loying 100 people in stoke inc-reases flexibility as well as cost , he says .