- 这时法国既掌握了贴箔秘密,又掌握了浇铸玻璃的新工艺,便着手将这两种工艺结合起来。
- France , now in possession of the foiling secret and the new method of casting glass , proceeded to combine the two .
- 甚至就在法国立法机关准备投票表决萨科齐总统的法案的同时,海盗湾正打算推出一项新服务,旨在阻挠该项法案以及其他查获文件共享者的努力。
- Even as french lawmakers prepared to vote on mr. sarkozy 's proposal , the pirate bay was offering a new service aimed at foiling both that plan and other efforts to track down file sharers .
- 在波士顿,麻州州长不肯让商船载着茶叶原船返回英国,他计划将茶运上岸,储存然后出售,因此他阻挠「爱国者」的行动。
- In boston , the governor would not allow the ships to return without discharging the tea on the shore . He intended to have the tea landed , stored , and then sold , thus foiling the patriots .