- 因为尽管左撇子忍受着许多不便(试着用右手勺盛汤),但我们似乎在工作中没有遭遇歧视。
- Because although left-handers endure many inconveniences ( try serving soup with a right-handed ladle ) it seems we suffer no discrimination at work .
- 一个星期后,朱莉对约翰说,“自从你老妈过来吃晚餐后,我就找不到我那漂亮的银汤勺了。你不认为是她拿的吗?”
- About a week later , julie came to john and said , " ever since your mother came to dinner , I 've been unable to find the beautiful silver gravy ladle . You don 't suppose she took it , do you ? "
- 当碗被使用于所有膳食中的时候,最完美的餐具是一个拥有长把手,可以深深挖掘的勺子,类似于一个长柄勺(中世纪时期无花果形状的勺子的柄都是向上的)。
- When bowls were used for all meals , the ideal implement was a spoon with an angled handle for digging deep , like a ladle ( the fig-shaped spoons of the middle ages usually had stems pointing upward ) .