- 她是一个灵敏熟练的打字员。
- She is a dexterous typist .
- 变成了皮毛光亮,行动敏捷的爱犬.
- Into a sleek and dexterous , affectionate dog .
- 林先生是位技术纯熟的外科医师。
- Mr. lin is a dexterous surgeon .
- 虽然一开始你的速度较慢,但到劳动节时,你就会变得相当敏捷了。
- Though you may have started out slow , by labor day you 're pretty nimble .
- 与其它大型银行相比,光大银行当然更为敏捷,但评级机构对其落后的公司治理和风险管理方式心存忧虑。
- Certainly the bank is more nimble than its larger counterparts , but ratings agencies fret about its underdeveloped corporate governance and risk-management practices .
- 当涉及到对有资质专业人员的保留活动时,德国的表现更像一个迟钝的南方人而不像敏捷的北方人。
- When it comes to reserving activities to holders of professional qualifications , germany acts more like a stodgy southerner than a nimble northerner .
- 制造珠宝通常需要一批极好的精密工具以及非常沉稳的手更不用说多年熟练的经验了。
- Creating jewelry typically requires an incredible array of precision tools and a very steady hand - not to mention years of skillful experience .
- 或许,对于我这个经济学者最重要的是,在今天的国际社会中,西方国家不仅是建设者,同时也是最巧妙地掌权者。
- Perhaps , most important to me as an economist , the west was not only the builder but also the most skillful mover and shaker in today 's international institutions .
- 但是,我并不是来请求你们的批准或者监督它们的水坝工程,我想他们如果知道你把它们巧妙利用天然建筑材料建成的水坝叫做“废墟”,会很生气的。
- While I did not pay for , authorize , nor supervise their dam project , I think they would be highly offended that you call their skillful use of nature 's building materials " debris . "