- 白丁屋,如歌的行板,能否拨动你灵魂里的琴弦,奏上你写意的人生。
- An andante passage of house of tyro , could she touch your deep soul , and play your slipped life ever .
- 与此同时,哈利和他的朋友们受到被解放的家养小精灵多比的英勇地死亡的影响,正在搜寻附有伏地魔的灵魂魔法物品灵魂碎片。
- Meanwhile , harry and his friends , reeling from the heroic death of liberated house elf dobby , are on the hunt for magical objects called horcruxes that hold fragments of voldemort 's soul .
- 没有女人和炉火的房子就象没有灵魂的躯体。
- A house without woman or firelight is like a body without soul or spirit .