- 这是基于这些地区手机的历史数据得出的,同时也才参考了瀑布的开放时间。
- This was based on historical cellphone data of the area , as well as the waterfall time period .
- 在那美丽的瀑布旁我深感自己完全依附于赐予我们力量的伟大神灵我们的上帝。
- There at the beautiful waterfall I felt utterly connected with that great power from which we draw our strength-god .
- 她的儿子说,能从家里楼上的窗户中看到一道瀑布从山上奔流而下,穿过山谷。
- Her son notes he could see a waterfall on the mountain across the valley from an upstairs window .
- 轰隆隆的瀑布和绵延的群山对人的意识会有强烈的冲击。
- Dramatic waterfalls and remote mountains make a strong impact on a person 's consciousness .
- 铺好的路面向游客们提供了更近地到达那些主要的地热地区的机会,还有一些湖泊和瀑布。
- Paved roads provide close access to the major geothermal areas as well as some of the lakes and waterfalls .
- 蔚蓝的水,金色的沙滩,花岗岩山峰和翻滚的瀑布使该地区成为摄影师的天堂。
- Azure water , golden sand beaches , granite peaks and tumbling waterfalls make this region a photographer 's heaven .