- 七个故事扣人心弦,部分原因是他们足以使读者沉浸其中而无法自拔。
- These seven stories grip partly because they are long enough to immerse the reader totally .
- 我知道的成为行家最快的方法就是教授,完全浸泡,让其他顶级的行家围绕在你周围。
- The fastest way I know of to become an expert is to teach , completely immerse yourself , and surround yourself with other world-class experts .
- 这个喜剧有关人类如何能不知不觉地沉浸在绝对徒劳无功的活动中。
- The joke was about how human beings can unwittingly immerse themselves in utterly futile activities .
- 血具有营养和滋润的作用,对于维持人的生命具有极重要意义。
- Blood functions to nourish and moisten the body.it is vital to the maintenance of life .
- 因为我们自己的心田,也需要不断地滋润和慰藉。
- Because our own heart , also need to be moisten constantly with comfort .
- 被用于的设备弄湿邮票和标签。
- Device used to moisten postage stamps and labels .
- 从个人来数,我是个比较积极的人,不太会太多的徘徊于过去。
- Also as a person , I 'm a positive thinker who doesn 't linger too much on the past .
- 饶有趣味的是,士兵重新回到工作或大学中去,这种影响似乎仍将持续很长时间。
- Interestingly , this influence appears to linger long after the soldier has re-entered the workforce or returned to college .
- 虽然,它们在大气中徘徊的时间相对较短,但是,它们却产生了强大的温室气体效应。
- Though they linger in the atmosphere for a relatively short time , they can have a powerful greenhouse effect .