- 心脏病可就没有引起这么大的关注了。
- Heart disease does not arouse the same passion .
- 但是,在互联网盛行的今天,掩盖事实会激起民众的怀疑并产生相反的结果。
- But in the age of the internet , coverups arouse instant suspicion and are counter-productive .
- 有很多方法可以激起一个女性的兴奋,不过毫无疑问从心理上让她性奋同时也会让她生理上性奋。
- There are many ways to arouse a woman , but there 's no doubt that arousing her mind will get her body going .
- 同样,低沉的声音让人联想到大物体,高亢的声音唤起渺小的感觉。
- Likewise , low-pitched sounds are reminiscent of large objects and high-pitched ones evoke smallness .
- 他写下这段话的时候明知道这会引起恐惧,不过他的前景真的是一片灰暗。
- He wrote the scene knowing it would evoke horror , but his prospects are genuinely bleak .
- 接下来的研究中,罗斯卡准备找出这种细胞引起大脑反应的方式。
- Next , roska plans to discover how the approach-sensitive cells evoke a reaction in the brain .
- 澳大利亚土著居民抗议者在堪培拉国家议会外放火焚烧一面澳大利亚国旗。
- Aboriginal protesters set fire to an australian flag outside the national parliament in canberra .
- 在山西省,一名患者放火焚烧某医院办公室,致使三名医生被严重烧伤。
- Three doctors were severely burned in shanxi province when a patient set fire to a hospital office .
- 8月6日,托特纳姆大街一家零售商店里,年轻的劫掠者们使用喷雾罐在货架上放火。
- Young looters use aerosol cans to set fire to shelves inside a retail store on tottenham high road on aug. 6 .