- 我们在此严正声明:腾讯一向重视隐私保护,绝对没有窥视用户隐私,请广大用户明辨是非,不要被某公司的安全恐吓所欺骗。
- We hereby state that tencent always values privacy protection , and never infringes on users ' privacy . We urge users to keep a clear mind to distinguish wrong from right , and not to fall for one company 's security scare trap . "
- 韦德先生以其清楚的思路、简洁的诗一般的语言引导读者几乎毫不费力地了解了200年的知识史。
- Mr wade has a clear mind and limpid prose style which guides the reader almost effortlessly through 200 years of intellectual history .
- 当我站在那些整洁的让我激动的衣橱前时,我想到:一个混乱的衣橱可能并非反映出一个混乱的大脑,而是一个混乱的类别。
- And as I stood before that thrillingly clear sartorial space , it occurred to me : a messy closet may not be reflective of a messy mind , but it is reflective of a messy schism .