- 一次孤立的潜逃和归队……深读上去更有灵修历练的因素丝丝渗入。
- An isolated abscond and back ...... deep read up more spiritual experience factors filar silk infiltration .
- 我决不会逃避我的责任。
- I never abscond from my responsibilities .
- 你卷走教堂的基金逃吗?
- Did you abscond with the church funds ?
- 沙漠是一个令人绝望的地方。
- The desert is a depressing place .
- 设计灵感来源于一种沙漠植物。
- The design was inspired by a desert plant .
- 据加沙的旅行代理们反应,已经有人咨询关于埃及西奈沙漠的旅游套餐。
- Travel agents in gaza say people have asked about package holidays in egypt 's sinai desert .
- 或者还有,她们是否会像其他一些从性奴役中得到解放的女孩们,发现自由是如此令人不安,便又偷偷回到妓院里的奴役之下?
- Or will they , like some other girls rescued from sexual servitude , find freedom so unsettling that they slink back to slavery in the brothels ?
- 你需要接受挑战,或者你逃跑。
- You accept the challenge or you slink away .
- 我试着潜行到阴影回来。
- I try to slink back into the shadows .