
v.布道( preach的过去式和过去分词 );劝诫;说教;宣传
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- Is this the same kind of implacably forgiving god whom jesus preached in his life ?
- 这和耶稣一生布道中所说的坚决宽恕的上帝是相同的吗?
- Even though all this sounded utopian when it was preached , it reflected online reality pretty accurately .
- 尽管这一切在布道般宣传声中听起来十分乌托邦,但它相当准确地反映了当初的网络现实。
- For 30 years well-meaning diet gurus have preached that eating fat makes you fat .
- 30年来,出于好心的饮食专家一直在说教吃脂肪造成了你的肥胖。
- I preached at my brother 's funeral on december 27 , 2006 .
- 在2006年12月27日,我在我兄弟的葬礼上致了悼词。
- And not only that , according to verse 4 , he was filled with the holy spirit as he preached .
- 不仅如此,在第4节,他是充满了圣灵在讲道。
- Some preached the importance of good manners inside the metro cars ; others offered hugs to strangers .
- 一些人讲解在地铁车厢内讲文明的重要性,还有一些人主动与陌生人拥抱。
- Yoshida also preached a management principle he termed " the cycle of goodness . "
- 吉田还灌输了一种名为“仁慈循环”管理原则。
- Gordon brown , britain 's prime minister , preached against a " retreat into domestic lending and domestic financial markets " .
- 英国首相戈登布朗言之凿凿,号召抵制“借贷国内化和金融市场国内化的倒退。”
- From the 1992 campaign through my two terms in office , I quoted professor quigley 's line often , hoping it would spur my fellow americans , and me , to practice what he preached .
- 在1992年的竞选以及在我的两届任期内,我都常常引用奎格利教授的话,希望以此鞭策我和我的美国同胞来共同实践他的教诲。
- As the economy weakens , ms merkel faces a choice between the populism preached by a large segment of her conservative troops to win re-election or fundamental reform .
- 随着经济走弱,默克尔面临一个抉择:是选择其保守势力中相当多的人所鼓吹的民粹主义(populism),以赢得连任,还是进行一场根本改革。