- 漩涡系列包括四种冲击炮,价格和火力各不相同。
- The vortex series includes four blasters ranging in price and firepower .
- 从最近欧元区危机的旋涡中,慢慢浮现出了爱尔兰一揽子救助计划的框架。
- The outline of a rescue package for ireland is emerging from the vortex of the latest euro-zone crisis .
- 这意味着一年又一半的时间是被白白浪费的,被无情地卷入现代社会和充满诱惑力的精神散漫的漩涡中。
- That means that almost half our time is " wasted , " sucked into the vortex of our modern world and all of its tempting distractions .
- 索罗这次演讲的题目是“经济衰退:沐浴,淋浴还是漩涡?”
- Sorrell 's speech , called " recession . Bath , shower or whirlpool , which is it to be ? "
- 一个中期的通胀目标能够为政策指出了一个明确的方向,因而也最有可能避免衰退暗礁及通胀漩涡。
- A medium-term inflation target provides a clear objective for policy and so the best chance of avoiding the rocks of recession and the whirlpool of inflation .
- 到目前为止,没有迹象表明哪一个大政党准备推翻政府,并承担将意大利抛入一个新的漩涡的责任。
- So far , there has been little sign that either big party is ready to topple the government and assume responsibility for pitching italy into a new whirlpool .
- 从事极地海洋研究的德国海洋学家,来自阿尔弗雷德魏格纳极地和海洋的维克多梅塔塞克和他的同事想出了一个解决办法,那就是利用漩涡。
- The solution , devised by biological oceanographer victor smetacek of the alfred wegener institute for polar and marine research in germany and his colleagues , was to use an eddy .
- 事实上,7月19日的《自然》杂志刊登出的一个新研究表明,漩涡中只有不超过百分之十的水与周围的海水混合。
- In fact , the new research to be published in nature on july 19 shows that less than 10 percent of the eddy 's waters mixed with the surrounding ocean .
- 上面的照片显示了微弱的凝聚漩涡,几乎形成了从博特克拉勇山(mountportecrayon)顶峰(4770英尺或1450米)顺风而下了的疲软、虚弱的漏斗云。
- The photo above shows a small condensation eddy , almost forming a weak funnel cloud , just downwind from the summit of mount porte crayon ( 4770 ft or 1450 m ) .