- 电子自闭症、儿童肥胖症、多动症和注意力缺乏症等类似的流行病可能不是完全巧合或不相干的。
- Parallel epidemics of electronic autism , childhood obesity , hyperactivity , and attention deficit disorders might not be entirely coincidental or unrelated .
- 经验思维把结果归因于其真正原因,而迷信把结果归因于与之完全不相干的事件。
- Empirical thinking attributes events to their real causes , while superstitious thinking attributes outcomes to events which are entirely unrelated .
- 日耳曼挪威语和芬兰乌戈尔萨米语是毫无关系的。
- The germanic norwegian language and the finno-ugric sami languages are entirely unrelated .