- 各个国家必须遵循同样的游戏规则。
- Nations must play by the same rules .
- 人们可以同狗一起玩耍。
- People can play with dogs .
- 使自己完全沉浸在玩耍中。
- Lose yourself in the play .
- 性爱本身是一种亲密的行为。
- Sex by itself is an intimate act .
- 美国可以单方面采取行动。
- The us could act unilaterally .
- 但是没有人贸然行动。
- None is keen to act .
- 摄影技术已经可以完成很多把戏了。
- Photography can perform many tricks .
- 在他们最喜爱的慈善机构进行魔术表演。
- Perform magic tricks at their favorite charities .
- 本菲卡的表现并不是很差。
- Benfica didn 't perform especially badly .
- 他的演奏水平是否有显著提高仍是个问题。
- Whether his playing has significantly developed is an open question .
- 那些家喻户晓的歌手每一次都能演奏的很好。
- The ones playing to packed houses do it well every time .
- 尝试教导、组织、领导或演奏乐器或参与青少年事工。
- Try teaching or leading or organizing or playing an instrument or working with teenagers .
- harps的问题在于它只能推断出一个行星的质量,而无法测出它的体积。
- The problem for harps is that it can deduce only a planet 's mass , not its size .
- 但是即使很难确定人一心寻死之时那确切的一刹那,一小步,但是从行为本身中推导出其结果要相对容易一些。
- But if it is hard to fix the precise instant , the subtle step when the mind opted for death , it is easier to deduce from the act itself the consequences it implies .
- 它们可以提取相关的概念,比如与中东社会抗议有关的文件,甚至在没有特定词汇的情况下,还可以推导出行为模式,从而避免由律师来审阅上百万份文件。
- They can extract relevant concepts - like documents relevant to social protest in the middle east - even in the absence of specific terms , and deduce patterns of behavior that would have eluded lawyers examining millions of documents .