- 这如何称为漏洞呢?
- How 's that for a loophole ?
- 否则,ipo将构成一个巨大的税收漏洞。
- Otherwise , an ipo would constitute a giant tax loophole .
- 我们同时也堵住了鼓励公司在海外创造就业的税收漏洞。
- We also ended a tax loophole that encouraged companies to create jobs overseas .
- 但更大的担忧来自于天然气本身的泄漏。
- But a bigger worry is that the gas itself may leak .
- 只要当中任何一个人泄露,整个任务就会功亏一篑。
- Any leak would have ruined the entire mission .
- 让人费解的是人们为何要泄露机密材料。
- What 's not so obvious is why people leak confidential material .
- 这里存在一个大数缺陷。
- There is a flaw of large numbers .
- 缺陷在于它的目标不现实。
- The flaw lies in the unrealistic goal .
- 这种自相矛盾,暴露了普京的主张中一个更大的漏洞。
- This contradiction points to a larger flaw in the putin project .