- 与冰山的轻撞导致泰坦尼克号船身平板大幅向右舷内侧倾斜,十六个防水舱中的五个被打开。
- The glancing collision with the iceberg caused titanic 's hull plates to buckle inward in a number of locations on her starboard side and opened five of her sixteen watertight compartments to the sea .
- 但是,尽管这个逻辑足够简单易懂,却并不是严密到无懈可击。
- But while the logic is straightforward enough , it is not watertight .
- 不过,伊诺曼先生对于类似于上述收紧监管可以取代货币政策持怀疑态度,宏观审慎控制并不是无懈可击的,他解释说。
- Mr neumann is however sceptical that regulatory tightening can substitute for the monetary kind . Macroprudential controls are not watertight he notes .